
Application of welded pipe mill

Date:2020-02-28 16:25:02 Number of visits:1701 Release: Zhongfu machinery

Welded pipe unit is widely used in machinery manufacturing, light industry, automobile, agricultural machinery and other departments. Especially in the emergence and development of high strength and high precision welded pipe, it can replace the expensive seamless pipe in many fields. Pipe welding machine manufacturers, in order to produce efficiency, choose technology is the embodiment of their own protection.

Through the research and development in recent years, we have developed several products with high cost performance. In the industry has always been a priority.

Yangzhou Zhongfu Machinery Co., Ltd. is a high-tech company that produces welded pipe unit, welded pipe equipment, square pipe unit, pipe making machine and galvanized pipe machine. We welcome all customers to come for consultation.

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